Contest: Redesign Loafe to be fit for humans

Do you hate waiting in line at Loafe as much as we do? Of course you do. There are few things more exasperating than being wedged within a crowd of prospective coffee-buyers as you wait for your sandwich to arrive. Clearly whoever designed the interior of Loafe thinks that the average person has the body mass of a corgi.

So in an act of protest, we here at The Ubyssey are having a little competition. Using the floor plan shown below, redesign the interior of Loafe to be not terrible!

[''] Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre


Submissions can be a new floor plan or a conceptual sketch. They can be as ridiculous or accurate as you would like, just so long as they are better than what we have now.

To accompany your fantastic designs, write a brief description of your vision for Loafe as well as an explanation of why you made it the way you did.

If you somehow find a way to plagiarize your submission, I will be both impressed and unable to guarantee your safety.

The prize

If we like your submission, we will not only publish it online, but also give you two tickets to see Love and Information at the Frederic Wood Theatre!

How to submit

Send your submissions to, with the subject heading “Make Loafe Great Again.”

Disclaimer: The odds of this design being used for anything other than entertainment are low as hell.

A submission by Jenny Xu


As you walk into Loafe, chances are you'll experience a jam by the entrance. After some slight disorientation, you'll manage to jostle through people and make your way to the end of the line.

The main complication I found has to do with the inconvenient placement of the entrance, leaving little space for line control. In my design, I’ve relocated the entrance to the middle. Having a more spacious entrance would help control lines and give the everyday coffee-goer a much easier time navigating during rush hours (as illustrated by the line of rubber ducks). 

Securing a table at Loafe is a challenge like no other. In my illustration, I’ve maximized communal tables to seat more people — especially for those who prefer not to sit by the cramped bar tables. I’ve also drawn a lounge area at the left corner with sofas and bean bags for a comfy, relaxed vibe. After all, this being a café located in a university campus, adding elements of student life just felt right. Spending social nights here would be dreamy.

Lastly, I kept one of my favourite features at Loafe — their open and airy kitchen.