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You might never want to even think about rats, much less study them, but that’s exactly what UBC graduate students are doing in the Downtown Eastside with their Vancouver Rat Project. UBC’s School of Population and Public Health (SPPH) held a talk on rats and public health in Vancouver as part of their Grand Rounds lecture series.

“The washing machines aren’t finished, and the common room isn’t finished and the study space isn’t finished — so basically everything besides the room isn’t finished yet,” said Alex Lau, a third year arts student and Tallwood House resident.

“I had the best hot chocolate of my life in Prague. I met some of the highest respected professors in my field of study. I learned about Danish chair design and München beer halls. I visited ancient churches and Michelangelo’s.”

The study results indicate strong negative reactions against children that aren’t vaccinated. But we shouldn’t blame anti-vaxxers, because the majority of people who are under-vaccinated are just delaying vaccinations due to time constraints.

“I’m entering my fifth year and I’m still finding new ways to become a more efficient student. Some people strike gold their first study session, but don’t be discouraged if you can’t hit your stride right away.”

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