As long as you cross each item of that list, it doesn’t exactly matter where it exists.
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The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a spike in popularity for BC’s outdoor recreation scene, but the increased level of human activity may be affecting wildlife.
The study found that the quality of people’s sleep affects their positive emotional responses to events in their lives.
Here’s how you can turn your home study space into a cafe, so you can feel like you’re back in your favourite study spot once again.
Over 80 per cent of Canadians screen potential online partners for their sense of humour, according to a UBC sociology study led by masters student Siqi Xiao.
The AMS is investing study spaces in the Nest for the upcoming school year. But with classes mainly online, who will be there to use them?
According to Harold Eyster, this is possible due to the presence of an extra fourth cone among hummingbirds which allows them to see ultraviolet light.
After months of closure, IKB will reopen with limited capacity for students needing study space.
The portion of the study conducted by UBC researchers utilized a subject pool consisting entirely of UBC undergraduate students.
By May, the unemployment gap was up to seven per cent between elementary school aged parents, up from one per cent in February.
According to a recent study, nearly 46 per cent of Canadians believe in at least one COVID-19 conspiracy theory circulating online.
UBC students now have the opportunity to study the COVID-19 pandemic as it unfolds in a new course, COVID-19 and Society.
64 per cent of study participants who tested positive for fentanyl reported knowingly using the substance. This number is up from 2015 where a previous study found that the majority of people (73 per cent) who tested positive for fentanyl did not know they used it.
As faculty have adapted to online learning environments, many also face uncertainty with upcoming study leaves and deadlines in the tenure-track process.
In an internal email sent on March 16 by UBC Student Safety Abroad, students on exchange were advised “to return home, wherever that may be for you.”