Alex Nguyen

Coordinating Editor 2019-2020 | Print News Editor 2017-2019

Alex started contributing to The Ubyssey in October 2016 after accidentally writing a long-form. She is interested in affordability, equity and health, while dabbling in data journalism and photography as ways to expand story-telling. Occasionally, she studied political science.


Yesterday, Pooja Bhatti, Faraz Nikzad and Julien Hart participated in the second AMS election debate as part of this year’s VP Administration race. The candidates spoke about issues ranging from club management to building management.

This year’s candidates for VP Administration met once again this afternoon for the Great Debate. In contrast with the last one, this debate saw a deeper discussion of certain topics and more challenging questions from the audience.

A fourth-year science student, Pooja Bhatti aims to strengthen the relationship between the AMS, constituencies and clubs by improving outreach to and by clubs, increasing sustainability and accessibility of the Nest, and enhancing campus culture.

Faraz Nikzad aims to improve both the student and business sides of the AMS. This platform builds upon his experiences working with and for the AMS as the UBC Persian Club’s current president and as the former manager-on-duty for its food outlets.

A second-year commerce student, Julien Hart wants to empower clubs. This focus is motivated by his formal and informal experiences working in event-planning intensive positions such as the social chair of the Zeta Psi fraternity.

Pooja Bhatti has been elected as the next AMS VP Administration. She beat out Faraz Nikzad and Julien Hart for the title. “I’m so shocked, and it feels incredible!” said Bhatti, engulfed in hugs from her friends.

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