Bernice Wong

Senior Staff Writer

Bernice started writing for The Ubyssey in 2021 during her first term as a university student. She is a political science and economics student who loves writing a variety of articles for the news column. Bernice enjoys reading and writing about current affairs, student events, and definitely not sports. Bernice can be reached at

Latest articles from Bernice Wong

2 - SEI Surveys

At the end of the term, emails flood into student inboxes with the reminder to fill out teaching evaluations. This is a chance for students to grade their professors’ performance as an educator. However, scholars have questioned the accuracy of these surveys, and how they might mask gender, racial and ethnic biases.

231117 ams midtems Abhi Mishra i you

VP Finance Abhi Mishra accomplished major goals this term, stabilizing the AMS/GSS Health & Dental Plan and increasing student financial literacy. He looks to continue improving the AMS as he heads into the second half of his term.

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