Bridget Chase

Bridget has been writing for the Ubyssey since 2016, and dethroned the last Cult Leader - er, Culture Editor - for the 2018/19 season. At UBC, she studies linguistics and creative writing and has the pleasure of working with Indigenous communities on language revitalization projects. She is interested in accessible art, underground events, amplifying marginalized voices, and Indigenous culture. You can catch her riding her scooter across campus, or find her on Twitter.

Latest articles from Bridget Chase


Holy shit, it's August. That means that there is a little over a month left to cram in a book so to counteract all of the beer and trash on Netflix you consumed this summer. Don't worry - the editors at the Ubyssey have complied a list of last-minute summer reads that will make you laugh, cry, and most importantly, seem cultured.


There was a pause that was long enough for me to know the answer. She shook her head politely, and told me she should be getting home. “But,” she added, “let’s see each other again next week?” All was not lost, and I had accomplished my real goal: another date with a fantastic girl.

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