Buy Halloween candy in the Nest and support the BC Children's Hospital

On October 30 to 31, buy all the candy your stomach can hold and then buy some more for your friends, family and — if you're a kiss-ass — your favourite professor.

UBC Circle K International, is hosting an event for the two days, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Nest to raise money for the BC Children's Hospital.

The club “is dedicated to helping those in need in both the local and international community” and for their Halloween initiative, their sending 100 per cent of their proceeds to the kids who aren't able to trick-or-treat this October.

The bags of candy are only $1.50 but if you're feeling particularly frugal after a weekend of partying, you can reserve a bag of candy beforehand through this website and only spend $1.

Scrounge up all that loose change that I know is sitting at the bottom of all of your backpacks and put it towards an actual good cause.