Cut down on sleep loss and improve your physical and mental wellbeing

It is not possible for us to live without sleep. As much as it is a vital part of our life, sleep also comes with a host of benefits that cater to our brain health, memory function and maintenance of healthy body metabolism and weight. Not surprisingly, sleep disturbance is associated with a number of diseases and disorders such as dementia and depression. As university students, we are not immune to facing challenges that could disrupt our sleep routine and pattern.

Here are some tips to help you address common issues and obstacles that might come up along the way to prevent you from getting that much-needed restorative rest every single night.

Establish a sense of regularity in your schedule and daily routine

A sense of regularity and the discipline to follow through with daily tasks without procrastination will give you the feeling of control and stability over the amount of time you have on hand to work and rest as needed. If unexpected situations come up, you will be more assured that you are still on track in your course progress and to not stray away from making choices that could be detrimental to your health in the long term.

Try to get everything done during the day, if possible, by early evening

This may be more challenging for those who are taking a full course load but it is important for us to appreciate and value the importance of a good night sleep for our brain functioning and optimum performance. If you are always leaving assignments to work on as the last thing at night when you are already tired and sleepy, chances are both your sleep and the quality of your work will suffer. It is better to work while you are still energetic and alert with the right amount of cortisol levels than to leave tasks until late hours.

Keep cellphones turned off at night

It is very tempting to chat with a friend throughout the night when you haven't had a chance to catch up in awhile. Still, do not underestimate the power of rest and its necessity for you to succeed in your courses and future. There are times when you have to compromise and weigh in on the long-term value of your schoolwork. Set the maximum amount of time you would spend on each session of chat with your friends and maintain it.

Make lists

Don't just keep everything in your head but write down a list of tasks you are going to do for the day or week. For those of us who are the conscientious type, it is best to know your limits and try not to fit the full week's list into a single day alone. At the end of the day when you looked over the checked items you have accomplished, it would make a good night rest more self-deserving and easier to get into so you will not skip your sleep.

What to do when insomnia hits?

It is definitely a tempting idea to get out of bed and turn on that laptop to waste your time away. Try to keep down the thought activity that is running through your head and stay in bed for as long as you can. At least you will be getting physical rest even though your brain may still be running wild. There are also apps that you can download to help put you to sleep whether it's soothing sounds or a calming meditation.