Take part in ‘Night Shift: Day of the Dead’ at MoA on Thursday night

The Museum of Anthropology becomes an entirely different place when it comes to Night Shifts. During these monthly events, the museum transforms its everyday appearance as a chosen cultural theme meets the curious visitors.

On November 2, the museum will feature Day of the Dead during the Night Shift. Originating from the Mexican culture, Día de Muertos focuses on family gatherings to pray for the loved ones who died to support their spiritual journey to afterlife. To remember the ones who passed, the museum invites you to bring a picture of a deceased loved one to make a collective altar.

Wear your favourite costume and join in on the Day of the Dead festivities at 6 p.m. in the Great Hall, where the collective altar will be, coupled with live music. Afterwards, you can participate in an interactive theatre experience where — according to MoA's website — you will witness “a journey through the underworld with an inexperienced guide who must liberate the dead from an eternal migration through a decaying landscape.”

The night also includes an interactive painting session, where Kalsang Dawa, a renowned Tibetan artist, invites you to discover the space between death and rebirth. Afterwards, you are invited to hang around the museum to have a few drinks and chat with the performers.

So come one, come all and spend an evening in the Museum of Anthropology and try to see death from a different perspective!