What do do when someone pulls a false fire alarm

Has someone been pulling fire alarms recently in your residence, stealing the sleep you didn’t even have in the first place? If that sounds like something you’ve been through, here are some tips on what to do when the fire alarm goes off.

Stop. Drop. Roll.

Sound familiar? This is the most basic three-worded fire instruction that was given to you as a child. As funny as it might be to think that this could be your dramatic and fashionable exit out of the building, if it is a real fire alarm and you are actually on fire, this tip could save your life.

Fire alarm day = leg day

When the fire alarm goes off, you never know whether it is an actual fire or just someone messing around. In any case, always TAKE THE STAIRS! Take the stairs because let’s not kid around here: you need that exercise you clearly forgot about with all the work and stress of university life piling up.

Meeting the unknown

Have you never met half the people on your floor? Gathering outside your residence during a fire alarm is the best place to bump into all the strangers on your floor while sharing common topics on school within one second of meeting each other. University is hard enough without some punk pulling the fire alarm.

Stay calm, stay calm

Don’t scream; it’s not Halloween. However, this is a really good time to internally panic about all the homework you never got to, that you left behind in your room and all the exam materials you have yet to cram before the sun rises.