Weed is legal now so here are the best munchies on campus

On this day of our lord Justin Trudeau, ye’ gods of the Canadian House of Commons and Senate made weed legal across the country.

This is pretty wild because obviously no one on the UBC campus or in the greater Vancouver area has ever seen or done even one marijuana up until now.

As students look to potentially experiment with this crazy new drug that no one — certainly none of the hard-working staff at The Ubyssey — has ever used ever before in their lives, they might get a little hungry.

The Ubyssey has consulted several weed scientists and at least one Seth Rogen movie to come up with a list of what we believe to be the best munchies on campus in the event you consume the devil’s lettuce.

Go crazy.

Uncle Fatih’s Pizza

Since its arrival on campus earlier this summer, Uncle Fatih’s has become a beacon of light for the sinners of this campus. By that, we mean it opens late — and the pizza is good and cheap.

The Running Chicken (University Village)

How fast does the chicken run? Hopefully not faster than your stoned ass.

Iwana Taco

The loaded fries could have only been conceived by someone on drugs, so this checks out.


Everyone here is already high.

Only U Cafe (University Village)

Eggs. Yes. I am the eggman. Breakfast is really good at all times, every day. On October 17, it may be especially good.

Koerner’s Pub

Koerner’s nachos are as pricey as they are decadent. If you can keep it together for more than 20 minutes and there’s a couple of you, this might be a viable option.

The Gallery

Appetizer platter. Spring rolls. French fries. Chicken strips. Somewhere buried beneath all that, we’re told, are chips and hummus. The description says two to four people — that sounds like a challenge.

AMS Council Meetings

AMS Council is the most important body in your student government and works to represent you both inside and outside this university. Going to council meetings is a great way to put faces to names and learn about the major issues affecting students at this campus. More importantly, there’s also free food. The first meal they’re serving at a meeting post-legalization is fried chicken. I’m just saying. It’s there. It’s free. It supports democracy.