The starving student: Best brain food to help ace your midterms

As we approach Reading Week, we approach the midway of the semester — in other words, midterm season is upon us. So while your head is in a pile of books, what better way to fuel yourself than some study food?

For breakfast, try some oatmeal with fruit, a green smoothie, eggs, or toast with peanut butter and banana. Breakfast is the ideal time to get some carbs in your system that will keep you energized throughout the day.

For a mid-morning snack, blueberries, nuts, avocado, tomatoes and broccoli are all options to consider. They’re easy to pack up in your knapsack for the long hours spent at the library or back-to-back classes.

For lunch, consider bringing your own Tupperware full of greens for a salad or a sandwich, and refrain from spending an obscene amount of money at the Nest for your midday hunger pains. 

Later in the day, when your mind gets the better of you and studying seems like the most boring thing on the planet, snack on something a bit heavier like popcorn, granola bars or an apple with peanut butter to tide you over until dinner.

Most students arguably do the most studying the night before the exam, so it’s vital to fill up on nutrients from foods like salmon or chicken with veggies on the side for your final meal of the day.

All of these foods mentioned above are related with increased memory, higher energy levels and improved attention span. Everyone’s parent has at one time or another told them “breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” so jumpstart your day with a hearty meal and you’ll be on your way to acing all your midterms.