The Ubyssey's drinking game for the Pyeongchang 2018 Olympics

In this season of midterms and essays, the best way to procrastinate is by heading to your cheapest liquor store and then turning on the Winter Olympics. So grab your closest friends, your liquor of choice and get comfy on the couch for this world star drinking game:

Take a shot:

  • If Canada gets a bronze medal
  • When you think the sports person did well, but the announcer says they’ve done badly
  • Every time you can’t pronounce the athlete’s last name
  • Every time an athlete younger than you wins
  • Every time an athlete older than you wins
  • Every time an athlete the same age as you wins
  • Every time you feel insecure about your athletic ability
  • Every time you aren’t sure what team is playing
  • Every time an ice skater falls over

Take two shots:

  • If Canada gets a silver medal
  • Every time there is a North Korea and South Korea athlete on screen
  • Every time someone mentions the 2010 Vancouver Olympics
  • Any time you pause the livestream and an athlete is making a strange face
  • Any time you cheer when your team is actually losing
  • Every time the Russian doping scandal gets mentioned

Finish the whole damn bottle:

  • If Canada gets a gold medal
  • World unity or unity is mentioned

Throw your bottle at the TV:

  • If Canada loses a hockey game
  • Someone tries to humanize a dictator or problematic regime