UBC Reddit page changed to SFU for April Fools' prank

Har har. When visiting UBC's subreddit today, you'll find that SFU has taken over.

Unless you've been living under a rock or go to Kwantlen Polytechnic University, you're probably aware of the age-old rivalry between UBC and SFU. However, some UBC students wouldn't even say it's a rivalry and might even ask, “What's SFU?”

There are themed threads that continue the gag as well, featuring How can we make SFU more respected than UBC?, Best place to poop at SFU and How do I transfer out of this dump and into UBC?

While there are no comments yet about how to transfer out of SFU, there has been some pretty savage discourse about how to make SFU more respected than UBC:

Perhaps this is SFU's revenge for the timeless joke, “What do SFU student and UBC students have in common? They both applied to UBC.” But it will probably be gone tomorrow, so laugh it up before it's back to normal.