I was ready to

Leave the streets I'd grown up on,

Everything I'd known

I wanted to be

More than a small town no one

Spread my wings and thrive

I thought that I was

Ready, prepared for this.


‘Cause I miss my mom

Nights watching HGTV

Her cooking, her hugs

My sister always

Was talking too loud but now,

My place is quiet

No soft fur kisses

No pitter-patter of paws

Nothing is the same

Even the weather

Windy floods instead of snow

I miss everything

My soul has been hurt

From the moment I came here

Will it be worth it?

To miss inside jokes?

Fleeting time with my grandma?

Family movie nights?

I think it must be

I'm chasing my wildest dreams

I'll make it worth it

So yes, leaving hurts

A dagger to my heart but,

Staying would hurt too