Spooky Scary Stories: The Boat Cruise

This happened to my mother while she was attending a work conference in Thailand.

The first excursion planned for that day was a boat cruise on the Chao Phraya River. Everyone was excited, but as my mother approached the riverbank, she was seized with a feeling of dread and began to feel violently ill. The brown, swirling water looked sinister. She didn’t want to board, but her coworkers convinced her to join them.

She was so ill that she hardly noticed when her coworkers stopped partying around her. Shrieks of drunken laughter turned into panicked screams and a splash as her boss fell overboard. Maybe it was the strong current, or maybe it was the alcohol, but before anyone could help, the swirling brown river had sucked him under.

Divers came to retrieve the body. After leaving the river, my mother’s sickness started to rescind. They accompanied the body to the hospital morgue and notified the family.

When they finally got back to the hotel that evening, they broke the news to their other coworkers, who responded with confusion. They said they had seen him earlier, standing at the elevator, looking lost. They’d waved, but he hadn’t waved back.

My mother’s sense of dread returned.

At the time they said they’d seen him, he’d already drowned.