First Day Survival Guide

The first day of class is always an exciting, yet overwhelming experience. You’re excited for new friends, teachers and material to learn — but you’re also nervous that you’re starting all over again. The transition from high school to university is quite mind boggling. You are no longer in your high school bubble where you probably knew everyone on an individual basis, but surrounded by thousands of students who walk past you every day not knowing who you are instead. The transition can be difficult but at least you’re all in the same boat as other first years, getting hit in the face with adulthood (and umbrellas) as soon as you step foot on campus.

My first day of classes at university was a wakeup call. First off, I was disoriented and ended up parking in the furthest parking possible, which was also the only parking that apparently wasn’t part of my parking plan. If you don’t live on campus and are driving, here is tip number 1: figure out where you’re parking your car to avoid walking back to a $45 ticket on your first day.

Since I had parked so far, I ended up sprinting for 15 minutes to my class. I sat in class for

almost half the lecture, and noticed that I was in the wrong lecture hall. Tip number 2: look up your classrooms ahead of time, or you might just watch a frog eye get dissected in your supposedly political science lecture.

As I walking back to the parking lot, I noticed my phone was missing. Panicked yet again, I

sprinted back to the lecture classroom and luckily found my phone where I had left it in class. There was a girl sitting in the empty lecture hall who saw my disheveled, sweaty look and right away asked me if it as my first day on campus. I nodded and she laughed, and told me that (tip number 3) it’s normal to be a mess on your first day, you will eventually find your way around campus (hopefully).

I’ve come to realize that the advice she gave me was incredibly accurate. My first-year self on the first day was a mess and my second-year self has learned to embrace that mess and (tip number 4) use wayfinder to look up classroom locations (seriously use it……).

So, what was my first day of classes like? I honestly wish I could’ve known what the actual class I was supposed to attend was like. However, I look back on my first day and laugh, because I see first years in the same situation as me, rushing to class like their life depends on it. With this in mind, tip number 5 is, if you’re planning on going to the gym that day, don’t! It will be a breathtaking day —literally — and you will find that just making it to your classes and getting oriented around the 4.02 km2 campus will end up being enough cardio for the day.