AMS Decoded: What to look for in the October 25 Council meeting

Every few weeks, your elected student government meets on a Wednesday night to talk about issues concerning the AMS. Agenda items can seem long, mysterious and confusing without the proper background, making it difficult to see how these issues affect students. Here are what to watch out for in the upcoming AMS Council meeting on October 25:

Changes to the Code

Council will be considering several changes to the Code of Procedure, one of the AMS’s governing documents, at this meeting. Highlights include authorizing the Student Services Manager to update Council of their activities during each meeting, aligning the term of the Speaker with the rest of Council and making changes to club election’s rules.

New Grad Studies Senator

Due to a recent vacancy on the UBC Vancouver Senate for a student member from the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, AMS Council will be appointing an individual to fill the position as outlined in both the AMS Code and in the Rules and Procedures of the Vancouver Senate. Following a pre-approved process, the Graduate Student Society has recommended to AMS Council the appointment of Amber Shilling.

Bike Sharing on Campus

As a result of the university investigating the possibility of bringing bike sharing to campus, the Advocacy Committee has recommended to Council the adoption on an AMS external policy on the matter. Highlights of the policy, which is essentially a position for the AMS executives to represent students from, include focuses on affordability and pedestrian safety.

Jakob Gattinger, a fourth year applied science student, is the former VP Academic and University Affairs pro tem for the AMS and a current member of Council for engineering, as well as a student senator.