With the climate crisis a very real and looming threat, a new report from UBC's Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability has concluded that a climate-change-driven apocalypse would be "totally badass."
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On April 22, 2022, the task force published its 296-page final report which included 54 recommendations from its six committees representing equity-deserving groups (Indigenous people, Black people and people of colour) and work and study constituencies (students, faculty and staff).
They give advice (or some might say “universi-tea”) that isn’t publicized in student brochures or advertisements.
“Mosquitoes serve literally no ecological purpose other than to make my life miserable,” said Lin-Mode in an interview, itching furiously. “The data is clear.”
The UNA, the representative organization of the campus’ residential neighbourhoods, released a newsletter on November 10 containing feedback for the new project and a perceived insufficiency of the plan’s sustainability measures.