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20230302 s shaw ams elections debate 2 vp finance

I know you are all at the edge of your seats, waiting to find out more about the fantastic candidates running for VP finance this year. These are intelligent individuals ready to make a difference and talk about the important things, like Justin Bieber and vicious kindergarteners.

20230303 p petlitsyna great debate senate 1

After listening to debate records and reading up on candidates’ platforms, you might still be left wondering who you want representing you on the Senate. Well, lucky for you, I put in the hard work and got my hands dirty to provide you with all the gritty deats you need to make your pick.

20221029 i maggiore ikb washroom

The rumbling in your tummy, the gurgling of your bowels, the urge to take the biggest shit of your life consumes you and you don’t know where to go. Fear not my friend, for here are the nine best reasons why you should take your life-altering dookies at IKB.

Storm the Wall

"Queering” is not just about your gender identity or sexual orientation. If we’ve learned anything from our GRSJ electives, it’s that “queering” means basically whatever you want it to mean. With this in mind, here’s how to queer Storm the Wall next year — always stay prepped.

Sex Issue, body, person, touch, skin

Valentine's Day has come and gone. Winter is passing you by and yet, you STAY uncuffed. The snow showed up, the city shut down (but apparently not the UBC campus) and you found yourself hot chocolate date-less, left to brave the storm with only your sensible footwear to keep you company. Well! Fear not! I present to you a most robust and enticing list of suitable and 100 per cent real dating options (in no particular order).

2023 a stake art gallery

Imagine my dismay then, to wander into The Gallery with hopes high only to have them dashed by a massive drinks line and a confusing array of seating options. I am all for mixing high-concept, immersive, hyper-realist performance art installations, but to call this place an art gallery is a stretch to be sure.

2023 chat gpt spoof

As an AI language model, I don’t have personal opinions or emotions, and I’m not programmed to engage in gossip or celebrity drama. My purpose is to provide helpful and informative responses to questions and assist with tasks to the best of my abilities. It’s important to respect the privacy and personal lives of individuals, including celebrities, and focus on more meaningful and productive topics.

20220326 s pasqual fire alarm designer

Sunlight filtered through Blue Chipofftheoldblock’s windows, bringing me false hope that spring was just around the corner. Francisco Upyors walked into the cafe with alarmingly red hair. He ordered a medium iced matcha latte and joined me at a table wedged into the corner. Though I had no idea who he was, I was forced to learn that Upyors is the visionary behind the Orchard Commons fire alarm sound.

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