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I put up with your slimy PR bullshit that you unapologetically ooze in the name of mental health awareness because I believed it… Fuck. I actually bought it. You told me you “make a difference” and I swallowed it like a fistful of lithium.


I am in no place to decide what these folks should be offended about. I’m just a person who cares about political correctness and I’m here to “ruin everything” so people don’t run around being inconsiderate bigots.


A social enterprise is a business that can make profits, but that has a mandate to reinvest those profits back into society to fulfill a greater social need, from hiring people with barriers to employment, to the commitment of buying local produce.


I’m 90 per cent sure I just failed two of my classes and I have a final tomorrow that I’m going to fail too. I kind of figured I would just pass, but now I’m really starting to panic. What do I do? Will I be kicked out of UBC???

by stephanie wu mind your mind

As students attending one of the top universities in the world, we often walk the line between being a committed student versus flirting with self-endangerment. We sacrifice our own well-being, fail to take a step back when we most need it.

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