Letter from the editors

With the theme of “how we live,” this magazine is about the unique stories within each student’s life and the recurring themes in our community. It is the collective voice of students from all backgrounds, beliefs, ambitions and ideas — something that belongs to them and everyone else who has ever called UBC their home.

We could not possibly hope to examine every idea and give voice to every student who might have something important to say, but we tried anyways. In this magazine, you will find as many voices and perspectives as we were able to fit into 52 pages. And what we couldn’t fit in here, you can find online.

The people who helped write, edit, draw, photograph and build this magazine are some of the most talented and interesting people that we have had the pleasure of working with. What you will see within these pages is something that we’ve worked very hard on.

To everyone at The Ubyssey, thank you for your brilliance, dedication and care. To everyone who contributed in whatever way you could, thank you for the immense act of courage in entrusting your work and your experiences to us. And to everyone who reads this, thank you for your time and your consideration — we hope that this magazine inspires you to share your experiences of how you live at UBC.

Your 2017/18 Ubyssey Magazine editorial team

Alex Nguyen, Moira Wyton, Saman Shariati, Emma Hicks, Sophie Sutcliffe, Zak Vescera, Jack Lamming, Aziz Sonawalla and Samuel Du Bois