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240227 i you Kamil Kanji senate

Kamil Kanji is running for reelection to the Senate on a platform of increasing academic support, implementing more equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) initiatives and improving Senate efficiency and transparency — things he’s run on before but that he says require more time to complete.

240227 i you Jasper Lorien senate

First-year student Jasper Lorien is running to claim one of five student senator-at-large seats on a platform promoting accessibility, institutional accountability and affordability.

240227 i you Sahib Malik

Sahib Malik is running to be one of five student senators-at-large for the 2024/25 academic year on a platform centred around creating more flexible course scheduling options and increasing the Senate’s transparency.

240227 i you Alex Chui

Alex Chui is running for a spot as one of five student senators at-large with a platform centered around furthering accessibility, accountability, diversity and inclusion.

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