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It's that time of year again. Cry of joy or because you have an exam on the last possible day of exams. While The Ubyssey wishes everyone a happy exam schedule, maybe don't ruin your long weekend by checking your fate just yet.


I’m excited to discover more about my classes and the school system here as I continue to learn. I’m less excited that the online platform the school uses is the same as Connect, but oh well. You can’t win them all.


A few years ago, I had the not-so-shocking realization that my social media habits were, indeed, fueling procrastination and lowering my productivity levels. Thus, I made the decision to delete all but one of my social media accounts.


You're homesick and that's completely normal. It's hard being away from your friends and family who were happy to support you. You're with new people in a new environment and you're a little disoriented. That's fine.

Ubyssey Admin

This year, a new Society Act in BC is coming into effect that requires us to make some changes to our corporate structure. As such, we’re using this opportunity to make some tweaks as to how we operate.

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