Pawan Minhas

2020/21 Coordinating Editor | 2019/20 Features Editor

What would Pawan do? His best. Ubyssey forever.

Latest articles from Pawan Minhas

Jack Sleeping

“When it comes to any relationship, romantic or otherwise, there’s always going to be a kind of tug-o’-war between the two people regarding the quirks that don’t quite mesh.”

ask pawan by maged

"There’s hundreds of valid reasons to say no to an outing, but then why does it always feel so hard when you’ve got the invite sitting in your notifications? In a word, FOMO. In four words, 'fear of missing out.'"


Before I go to school, I check myself out in the mirror one last time. I’m Pawan. I’ve got my wireframe glasses, shaggy hair, relentless acne and one of the three hoodies I wouldn’t be caught dead without.

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