The UBC eSports Association is hosting a massive tournament May 8-10

The UBC Cup will feature competitions in League of Legends, Dota 2, Starcraft 2, Hearthstone, CS:GO and Smash Bros.

Even if you're not a competitive gamer, you can attend for free to watch some of Vancouver's finest battle it out on the big screen. The Starcraft 2, Hearthstone and Smash competitions will take place at UBC, and the LoL and Dota 2 LAN finals will be held at eSpot and Netaholics Cafe. All the details are in the Facebook event, but according to the description, here's a taste of what kind of cash is up for grabs:

First Place (subject to change, all values split between cash and peripherals/merchandise):

League of Legends - $500

Dota 2 - $500

Hearthstone - $150

CS:GO - $250

The cost to enter is $10 for members of the UBC eSports Association and $15 for non-members. The signup forms are in the description of the Facebook event, and memberships will be sold at the door during some events -- if you're interested in signing up, the info can be found here.

Overall it sounds like a kickass event to take part in, or watch, if you're anything like The Ubyssey's editors, who collectively boast the reflexes of an oak tree.