Support the UBC eSports Association this afternoon in their battle against SFU

Say goodbye to the classic cheering for your varsity football team because there’s a new team in town — UBC eSports Association. While they’re not actually a new team — the association was created in 2010 — this is one of their biggest viewing parties to date.

In the vicious rivalry between UBC and SFU, watch them battle for the uLoL (University League of Legends) title today in Wood 5 at 2:30 p.m. Have class and can’t attend? Fear not, they are also broadcasting online here. These are the only places you can watch the event live, so be sure to check it out.

If you’re not yet intrigued, they’re going to have a few special guests from Yahoo eSports and Echo Fox. To make matters even better, the event is free for everyone — this includes food and prizes. Where there's free food, university students can be found. Incentive to actually get outside in this weather! Just kidding, the event is inside, but at least you won’t be watching from your couch.

Show a little school spirit and go support UBC! Earlier in the year, UBC dominated SFU in the same tournament so you’re bound to be in for a good show.