Jack Hauen

Coordinating editor/embarrassing stepdad

Jack spends a large, almost depressing portion of his time at The Ubyssey, where he grumbles about the Board of Governors and hassles the nice people at Access and Privacy. People have let him work at the CBC, National Post and Globe and Mail because Canadian journalism is in a worse place than you thought. Follow his Twitter for dad puns and his Instagram for pictures of cool dogs he sees.

Latest articles from Jack Hauen


louis ck

C.K. possesses an almost surgical knowledge of the difference between punching up and punching down. It's why he can pull off a show like this when nearly anyone else would be greeted with a sharp intake of breath.

jack ams file

The AUS had their first Council meeting Tuesday night since a Ubyssey story was published outlining financial issues surrounding stARTup, the society's orientation event. The reaction from the student body has been mostly one of condemnation.


What can you, a Canadian student, do about the shocking, depressing, horrifying results of the US election? Directly, not a lot. But you're a member of one of the most free countries in the world, and you have a right to express your opinion.


The AMS is having their AGM (Annual General Meeting) this coming Monday, October 31. But what exactly is that and how does it differ from the 9028348324 (editor's note: approximation) other meetings that the AMS holds throughout the year?

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