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Asian Heritage Month

Behind my face mask, I felt tomato bits stuck in my mouth. But I couldn’t let anybody know they were there. I had to prove myself through the fluency of my English that I was from here just like everyone else. That I was not the other.

Asian Heritage Month

You will watch and read content from cultural icons of my time. You will gain a balanced appreciation for the arts to complement your university application and become inspired by the wits of Ali Wong, David Chang and Awkwafina.

Asian Heritage Month

I hardly knew some of the people there yet it was, in some comforting, familiar way, its own family meal.

Asian Heritage Month

I wish I could tell myself these answers, but identity, no matter what it’s based on is always constructed and deconstructed. Built-up and destroyed.

totem pole

The true narrative was changed & another created, and it was only Columbus that was celebrated.


Given the current tense climate, it has been three months since any comedy shows have taken place in person. With the current social distancing protocols, a show available through online streaming may be the next best thing.

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