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Given that he was already sending Snapchats of dogs to his friends as he walked to and from classes, starting the page was a slam dunk. The only difference now is that he stops for a chat. “Now I talk to the people, and actually get to know the dogs

David Speight, Our Campus

“Are we at 100 per cent? Absolutely not. But we want to be challenged by it ... [so that] we can become better. We hear [students and staff] loud and clear — they want fresh, healthy ingredients and we’re transitioning to that.”


Peak flu season is supposedly waning, but your voice is scratchy, your back hurts and your nose is runny. Are your symptoms related? Where should you go for help? What practices are safe and regulated?


The Ubyssey is investigating UBC’s Student Union Okanagan (UBCSUO) after it ran unprecedented deficits in 2015 and 2016 — more than $300,000 each year, or about 23 per cent of annual revenue, while simultaneously running an ineffective grant program.

May cover 1

While 60 per cent of eligible voters reportedly cast their ballots, it is often those who do not make it to the polls who decide the result in close elections like these — and amongst these potential voters, youth are often the wildcards.

Nitobe garden

Whether you’re already missing our stunning campus one month into summer or just too lazy to walk all the way down — and back up — the Wreck Beach stairs, click here or follow the link below to explore our campus in all its virtual glory.


If it wasn’t obvious already by the noodle experience the night before, we knew very little Japanese, and by very little, I mean absolutely none. There must have been 25 different train lines, each more confusing than the previous one.


From small class sizes in major requirements to non-restricted seats in required classes going to students taking them as electives, course registration is rarely a picnic for students on a tight graduation deadline.

Philanthropy Feature

Clubs don’t simply ask students for their money in the name of charity — they’ll sell things, organize gigantic parties, put themselves through challenges or even chop off their hair in their efforts to tackle worldwide issues.

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