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You might never want to even think about rats, much less study them, but that’s exactly what UBC graduate students are doing in the Downtown Eastside with their Vancouver Rat Project. UBC’s School of Population and Public Health (SPPH) held a talk on rats and public health in Vancouver as part of their Grand Rounds lecture series.


Scientists are smart, but no human can see into the future. Sending animals to space was a means of testing whether it would be safe for humans to endure the added acceleration, elevation and drastically reduced gravity that’s associated with space travel.


Protoplanetary disks are the nurseries in which planets are born. You would have to have superhuman traits to throw around these disks, which can weigh hundreds of times the Earth’s mass and have an actively forming star in the middle.


Hackathons are energy drink-fuelled marathons where people bring projects to life by creating software and hardware. Hackseq embodies this principle, but specifically attracts participants whose ventures are related to genomics, a field of molecular biology that studies organisms’ genetic material.


In most of the lakes that the threespine stickleback inhabit in British Columbia, there exists a single species of stickleback. However, in a number of lakes there exist two separate species of stickleback — open-water dwelling stickleback and bottom-dwelling stickleback.

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