Sonia Pathak

Senior staff writer

Sonia started writing for The Ubyssey in 2018 when her workload was just a bit lighter and her schedule a little less cramped. Although the thought of having free time has started to border on wishful, Sonia still manages to (through a truly impressive feat of scheduling-gymnastics) make the time to write. She writes whatever stories catch her eye, but has a vested interest in topics such as mental health, wellbeing and accessibility.

Latest articles from Sonia Pathak


On Friday, September 6, UBC hosted UBC Pride which featured resource booths, activities and performances. Before the event took place, many UBC community members expressed cynicism, considering the university’s recent track record with the LGBTQIA2S+ community. We sent a few writers to attend the events and share their thoughts.

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Liu, a representative for the Science Undergraduate Society on AMS Council, remained consistent in his prioritization of community outreach as the basis for accessibility and transparency moving forward. Students for Students, helmed by current AMS President Chris Hakim, delved into the high-level platform points they outlined during their first debate with specific plans for action.


The weight of the world rests on our shoulders. Yet the fate of the world lies beneath the heels of the rich, their carbon footprints stamped down like corporate logos.

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