It's a film that takes a definite stance on which side in the debate is in the right — a feature that Yoon sees as an important part of the documentary.
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One study had students evaluate online courses with randomized male or female names. Almost invariably, students rated the male names higher than the female names, regardless of the actual gender of the professor.
“Knowing how our human ancestors interacted with plants over thousands of years, maintaining forest diversity without destroying the forests is something we want to learn about.”
MEEC broadly aims to create a Middle Eastern and North African region (MENA) studies program in the faculty of arts, expand study abroad opportunities in the region and modernize the Arabic language courses available.
“Just knowing THC and CBD is not enough, we need to know more about the other molecules that are there,” said Murch.
“There is no opportunity for career advancement for someone like myself with the contract structure I have,” said Dr. Jennifer Gagnon, a sessional instructor in the faculty of political sciences at UBC.
"We are very interested in seeing if these types of health disparities can be reflected in the difference of these tags,” said Gladish.
Welcome to midterm season — which if you’re a first year, or just very unfortunate, ends around the time of your first final exam. Every UBC student is familiar with the beginning of the never-ending avalanche of written assignments, practice exams and Crash Course emails.
Don’t try to do your studying here unless you thrive in the most noisy atmosphere imaginable while people bump into you.
The results vary dramatically based on whether our CO2 emissions stay where they are — in a “business as usual” scenario — or whether we make substantial efforts to reduce our CO2 emissions in the future.
I’m just saying that maybe having all your notes tattooed on your arms forever will help you remember it in time for your midterm and beyond.
The idea of introducing scientific methods into the study of religion is at the core of one of Slingerland’s newest projects, the Database of Religious History, which functions as an online encyclopedia of scholarly knowledge on religious cultural history that is structured and visualized in time and space.
Responsible for over 4,000 hospitalizations between 2001 and 2010 in British Columbia alone, concussions are common yet serious head injuries that occur among people of all ages and backgrounds.
If you’ve done this before, you’ll know that once rain and midterms set in, your promises of doing all of your readings and going to the mountains on the weekends will crumble faster than a Loafe scone.
Only during a hectic summer of French classes was I able to discover that eating French food makes you better at French stuff… or at least it gives you an incentive to study, and maybe even reduce the use of Google translate.