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Bar science: go to the pub, grab a beer, and have a scientist come around and explain their research to you — while you get inebriated enough to say things like, “If I shout really loudly, will they hear me on the moon?”


The section highlighted UBC profs and students behind important discoveries. They’ve shared a few standout phrases about the process of science-ing: “That’s pretty cool”, “Let’s try...”, “But what’s the point?”, “I don’t know!”, “You’re kidding me,” and “It's very humbling.”


FlowRep, a new piece of software developed by UBC’s Dr. Alla Sheffer and her group, can take a complete 3D model and convert it into a compact 2D representation. To build FlowRep, Sheffer’s group conducted research at the intersection of psychology, fine arts, computer science, and geometry.


As part of Science Literacy Week last month, Megan Russel, a graduate student in geophysics and planetary science at UBC, gave a “Behind the Science” talk about the cutting edge discoveries in our solar system, including updates about spacecrafts like OSIRIS-REx.


Bridging the gap between research and students, the Living Library allowed anyone to meet a real, live grad student and talk to them. The graduate students who were part of the Living Library were recruited by liaison librarians who thought that some students would be a personable, informative “book.”

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