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What is the right way to roll your toilet paper — in front or behind? Science has yet to answer that question but new research out of UBC’s department of mechanical engineering does wipe away some of the mystery behind the science of toilet paper.


Your social life as a student is one of your number one priorities, so we’ve brought you a bunch of social apps that will give your online persona an ego boost and make it impossible for you to pay attention in class.

Stepdad birds

If you thought nepotism could have only been a possible trait humans, you were wrong. Research has shown that nepotism can be found in species like birds. “Nepotism has likely played a vital role in the evolution of family life in this species."


Here’s an experiment you can try at home: gather some friends, Google “most adorable puppies ever,” and see how long it takes for even the most hard-boiled among them to let out an involuntary “awww.” Dogs work magic, end of story.

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