Tristan Wheeler

2018/19, 2019/20 Blog + Opinion Editor

Former Blog and Opinion Editor Tristan Wheeler started at the Ubyssey in November 2016 and quickly began writing about pizza, public transportation and comedy under Culture. After starting his smash-hit humour column, "99 Things to do at UBC Before You Graduate," he shifted to the world of Blog. The absolute fool became the Blog and Opinion editor in April 2018 and has really just been trying his best ever since.

Latest articles from Tristan Wheeler


The distance, for the most part, made the beginning of this transition easy. Being far away was nice, I felt free and in control of my life’s happenings. I could stay out until whenever I wanted, hang out with who I wanted and go wherever I wanted.


Their success, as Snowden said, is “because they appeal to a wider audience … they appeal to kids, but also combine the adult nostalgia with entertainment as well as introducing the story to new audiences.”

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